Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ginn Tribute Hosted by Annika

Covering the Senior Championships last weekend and then being able to photograph the Ginn Tribute Hosted by Annika (arguably the best player of the decade) this weekend has been a real treat for me. Now don't shoot me for saying so, but these LPGA ladies were a lot easier to look at than those "old guys"! :-) It was a dreary, windy, and wet weekend. But I think the adverse conditions just goes to show how good these world-class athletes are. Besides, the rain adds that much more interest to the images. I know you can't see all the details because of the resolution of the video...but seeing the raindrops zipping past the players in mid-swing, bouncing off their umbrellas, and dripping off the brims of their hats is SO COOL!!! Anyway, enjoy the show...


Anonymous said...

Haha…well don’t strain a lens photographing those women this weekend. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I am so excited for you guys. The golf pictures were great! The picture of you and the dog is so cute. Hope all goes well with closing! Good luck!