Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deborah's House...a Mission of Love

Recently I had the honor of photographing an assignment for International Missions. The charge was to tell the story of some AMAZING women and children living in Tijuana, Mexico, that were victims of domestic violence and horrible abuse. "Deborah's House" is a shelter that was founded by Ray & Adalia Schellinger-Gutierrez. Visit their website at www.internationalministries.net/missionaries/94 and make a choice to help someone who desperately needs it!


Anonymous said...

This is coooooooool!!
- Ramesh

Anonymous said...

Great work, bro.
- Andy

Anonymous said...

These are absolutely breathtaking. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Chris, amazing and thank you!

Unknown said...

Amazing photography as ever. Well done to you and your wife.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!

I can't even begin to tell you what an inspiration your work is to me. You really know how to push the limits of lighting...

You had a difficult assignment and I know you were a gift to the people living and serving at Deborah's House. It was a gift to me to see. You know you and Cami are pleasing God as you give your time, talent, and resources to show His love to those in need. There is nothing better in this life.

Anonymous said...

You're awesome man!
- Anthony

Chris said...

WOW! Thanks everyone...

Anonymous said...

So amazing! Wonderful job Chris.
- Millicent

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

Stunning! ill show this too silvia in the morning!
- cj

Anonymous said...

I do have possibly the very best photographer in town to refer to you. Chris was raised on the mission field in Congo and has been doing photography his whole life. You should see his work from Congo. It brought tears to my eyes.
- Kelli

Romy said...

You captured such great smiles from all those beautiful familes. I'm on my way to meet each of them and I'm now more excited than ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris!

I just got back from a trip to Iowa on deputation and have done quite a bit of speaking already. I have developed several new presentations, all of which culminate with showing the video that you made. (The song "amazing" is ringing through my head all the time now. It's a good thing.) The response has been, well, simply amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Seeing these faces, after hearing their stories, truly sends the message home of the need for Deborah's House, and the diference that it makes in real lives.
The video is perfect. Thank you!

- Ray